Sailing Photo Gallery
- Yendys-all the washing up!
- Aberdare with Ringtail
- Yendys with Ringtail
- The cheerful fleet
- Britannia
- Britannia
- Britannia
- Britannia
- Tangalooma
- Britannia
- Tangalooma
- Tangalooma and Britannia
- Tangalooma in a spot of bother!
- The Mistake
- The Mistake
- Tangalooma
- Synergy
- Synergy
- Synergy
- Alruth
- Synergy
- Synergy
- Synergy
- Synergy
- The Mistake and Aberdare
- Top Weight
- Australia IV
- Myra Too
- Top Weight
- Top Weight going over
- Top Weight over
- Top Weight swimming
- Top Weight crew!
- Scot
- Britannia
- Australia IV and Myra Too
- Aberdare powering
- Alruth
- Australia IV
- Australia IV and Yendys
- Yendys
- Aberdare
- Yendys
- Scratch start
- The start
- Australia
- Scot, Top Weight and Alruth
- Aberdare
- Yendys chases Aberdare
- Yendys
- Approaching the mark
- and closer
- Tangalooma and Top Weight
- Top Weight toppling
- further over
- Careening Cove Swimming Club
- Careening Cove Swimming Club
- Ferry, Alruth and Top Weight
- Approaching the Beashel Buoy
- The Mistake
- Tangalooma Photo Karen Hill
- Tangalooma and The Mistake under Spinnaker (3/12/16)>Photo Karen Hill
- Tangalooma under Kite
- Spectator ferry v Seaplane